Video Edit Magic es una utilidad de captura y edición de vídeo de prestaciones sencillas, pero muy eficaz en sus funciones. Con ella podrás "jugar" con tus vídeos de forma sumamente fácil, gracias a su interfaz con soporte drag-and-drop.
Como comandos básicos, este programa te permite cortar, copiar, pegar, recortar y unir vídeos o fragmentos de vídeo, incluso si tienen diferentes formatos, bitrates o resoluciones de pantalla. Lo mismo puedes hacer con las pistas de audio, dado que el programa separa los canales de sonido e imagen del vídeo, y te permite trabajar con cada uno de ellos por separado.
Así, también puedes sustituir el sonido original del vídeo por una grabación propia, añadir una narración de voz en off, superimponer textos, gráficos o incluso otro vídeo por encima de la imagen, etc.
Toda esta labor de edición y personalización se realiza de forma sencilla, a través de la interfaz del programa, muy intuitiva y totalmente visual, que además te permite comprobar al momento el resultado de cada cambio o retoque que hagas.
Soporta los formatos más comunes, como son AVI, WAV, WMA, WMV, ASF, MPEG, QuickTime, MIDI, BMP, GIF y JPEG entre otros. Si te gusta la edición de vídeo y buscas un programa sencillito con el que empezar a dar tus primeros pasos, no dudes en probar Video Edit Magic.
Cambios recientes en Video Edit Magic:
- Mejoras en la línea del tiempo
- Mejorado el recorte
- Navegación más precisa
Para utilizar Video Edit Magic necesitas:
Sistema operativo: Win98/98SE/Me/2000/XP
Video Edit Magic is a utility to capture and video editing features simple but very effective in their roles. With it you can "play" with your videos in an extremely easy, thanks to its interface with support drag-and-drop.
As basic commands, this program allows you to cut, copy, paste, cut and join videos or video clips, even if they have different formats, bitrates and screen resolutions. The same can be done with audio tracks, as the program separates channels of sound and video image, and lets you work with each of them separately.
So, you can replace the original video sound recording itself, adding a voiceover narration, superimpose text, graphics or other video over the image, etc.
All this work of editing and customization is made easy through the program interface very intuitive and completely visual, it also allows you to see when the result of each change or retouching to do.
Supports all common formats such as AVI, WAV, WMA, WMV, ASF, MPEG, QuickTime, MIDI, BMP, GIF and JPEG among others. If you like video editing and looking for a program that sencillito to start taking your first steps, do not hesitate to try Video Edit Magic.
As basic commands, this program allows you to cut, copy, paste, cut and join videos or video clips, even if they have different formats, bitrates and screen resolutions. The same can be done with audio tracks, as the program separates channels of sound and video image, and lets you work with each of them separately.
So, you can replace the original video sound recording itself, adding a voiceover narration, superimpose text, graphics or other video over the image, etc.
All this work of editing and customization is made easy through the program interface very intuitive and completely visual, it also allows you to see when the result of each change or retouching to do.
Supports all common formats such as AVI, WAV, WMA, WMV, ASF, MPEG, QuickTime, MIDI, BMP, GIF and JPEG among others. If you like video editing and looking for a program that sencillito to start taking your first steps, do not hesitate to try Video Edit Magic.
Recent changes in Video Edit Magic:
- Improved timeline
- Improved crop
- More accurate navigation
To use Video Edit Magic you need:
* Operating System: Win98/98SE/Me/2000/XP

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