Optitex es un programa de diseño de patrones de origen Israelí. Útil en las empresas dedicadas a la elaboración de prendas de vestir, industria textil, industria del hogar.
Este programa presenta los siguientes productos:
Este programa presenta los siguientes productos:
3D digitizer: Permite ver sus diseños en pantalla mientras los está digitalizando. Puede agregar o quitar piezas. Trazo de curvas perfectas. El patrón que trabaja lo puede ver en el maniquí.
Grade: Escalado manual y automático con excelente presición.
Marker: Realiza planos de corte de forma automática y precisa lo que reduce el desperdicio de tela.
Modulate: Usted introduce las medidas de hombro, busto, cintura y caderas y desarrolla modelos a su gusto.
3D Runway: Incluye maniquí virtuales con mas de 65 medidas diferentes que modelan la prenda mostrando el modelo como se verá en forma real.
Optitex sistema completo de diseño textil software completo ingreso de molderia,patronaje completo y tizador con todo el hardware que incluye computadora ,monitor, scaner, digitalizador, y plotter.
OptiTex is a software design patterns Israeli origin. Useful for companies engaged in the production of garments, textile, home industry.
This program features the following products:
3D digitizer: Lets see your designs on screen while being scanned. You can add or remove parts. Stroke perfect curves. The working pattern can be seen on the mannequin.Grade: Scale manual and automatic with good accuracy.Marker: Make plans to cut automatically and accurately thereby reducing material wastage.Modulate: You introduce measures shoulder, bust, waist and hips and develops models to your liking.3D Runway: virtual model includes more than 65 different measures that shape the garment showing the model will look like in real form.
OptiTex complete textile design software income Moldería full, complete and tizador pattern with all hardware including computer, monitor, scanner, digitizer, and plotter .
This program features the following products:
3D digitizer: Lets see your designs on screen while being scanned. You can add or remove parts. Stroke perfect curves. The working pattern can be seen on the mannequin.Grade: Scale manual and automatic with good accuracy.Marker: Make plans to cut automatically and accurately thereby reducing material wastage.Modulate: You introduce measures shoulder, bust, waist and hips and develops models to your liking.3D Runway: virtual model includes more than 65 different measures that shape the garment showing the model will look like in real form.
OptiTex complete textile design software income Moldería full, complete and tizador pattern with all hardware including computer, monitor, scanner, digitizer, and plotter .

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