“Nací en circunstancias inusuales”. Así comienza “El Curioso Caso de Benjamin Button”, una adaptación de la historia de los años 20 del siglo pasado escrita por F. Scott Fitzgerald y que trata de un hombre (Brad Pitt) que nace con ochenta años y va rejuveneciendo con el tiempo: un hombre que, como cualquiera de nosotros, no puede parar el tiempo. Desde la Nueva Orleans de finales de la I Guerra Mundial hasta el siglo XXI, en un viaje tan inusual como la vida de cualquier hombre, esta película cuenta la gran historia de un hombre no tan ordinario y la gente que va conociendo por el camino, los amores que encuentra y que pierde, las alegrías de la vida y la tristeza de la muerte, y que perduran más allá del tiempo.
"I was born under unusual circumstances." So begins "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," adapted from the story of the 20's of last century, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man (Brad Pitt) is born eighty years and is getting younger with time: a man who, like any of us can not stop time. From the New Orleans end of World War I to XXI century, on a trip as unusual as any man's life, this film tells the great story of a man and not so ordinary people will know by the way, the loves he finds and loses, the joys of life and the sadness of death, and what lasts beyond time.
"I was born under unusual circumstances." So begins "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," adapted from the story of the 20's of last century, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man (Brad Pitt) is born eighty years and is getting younger with time: a man who, like any of us can not stop time. From the New Orleans end of World War I to XXI century, on a trip as unusual as any man's life, this film tells the great story of a man and not so ordinary people will know by the way, the loves he finds and loses, the joys of life and the sadness of death, and what lasts beyond time.
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